Julius Dokowe

Deacon Julius Dokowe Ordination on 20 August 2022

Deacon Julius DokoweThe ordination of Deacon Julius Dokowe will take place on Saturday 20th August 2022 at Mtengowanthenga Parish in Dowa.

Julius Dokowe comes from Banja Loyera Church in the parish of St Kizito, Chigoneka, Archdiocese of Lilongwe. He was born on 20th October 1988 at Bwaila Hospital in Lilongwe. He is the 3rd born child of late Francis Dokowe and Otilia Dokowe (AnyaKumwenda) in the family of 7 (4 boys and 3 girls).

He was baptized an infant on 18 February 1989 by Fr. George O’Brien SPS. He received his first Holy Communion on 23rd November 1997, administered by Fr. Francis Taylor SPS. He was Confirmed on 3 June 2001, administered by Rt. Rev Felix Mkhori.

He did his primary school education at Chigoneka and Mtsiriza primary schools respectively. He did his secondary school education at Chigoneka Community Day Secondary School and later at Mkwichi Secondary School where he obtained the needed results to join the St Patrick’s Missionary Society, PSP.

Julius joined the St Patrick’s Missionary Society in January 2009 and began his formation journey at St Patrick’s Formation Initial House in Lusaka, Zambia. In 2011 he proceeded to do his studies in philosophy at St Joseph’s Theological Institute in the Republic of South Africa. However, at the end of the same year he was asked to discontinue from the formation program. Julius got a job at HTC supplies as a Sales Representative and later as Stores Clerk which he gladly worked from February 2012 to December 2014.

In October 2014, Julius was readmitted into the St Patrick’s Missionary Society formation system. He resumed his philosophy studies in South Africa in January 2015. Thereafter, he proceeded for his First Missionary Assignment in February 2017 at St Luke’s Parish in the Catholic Diocese of Bauchi, Nigeria. In August 2018, he was admitted into the Theology studies at Tangaza University College in Nairobi, Kenya and currently he is in 4th year of his studies. He took the Oath of Permanent Membership in the St Patrick’s Missionary Society on 20th August 2021 and was ordained Deacon on 21st August 2021.

Julius strongly believes that his vocation story is the journey of faith which can be compared to a risk of jumping into a deep dungeon with the hope of being held safely by the Divine hands.

Excerpt from Mpingo Ndife Tonse magazine. Written by Sam Kalimba