As Friday 15th December dawned, a sombre atmosphere enveloped St Kizito Parish Chigoneka. The night before, Fr Martin Kavisu and parishioner Francis Dzanjalimodzi had been killed in a tragic road accident near Kamphata, outside of Lilongwe town.

Fr Martin was born on 7th August 1982 in Kitumbi location in Kitui town under St Paul’s Mutane Parish in Kitui Diocese, Kenya. He was a dedicated Christian from childhood and this saw him join St Patrick’s Missionary Society (SPSS) in 2007. He studied philosophy at St Joseph’s Theological Institute in Kwazul. In 2011, Fr Martin spent his pastoral year at St Margaret’s Parish Kokwe in Chipata Diocese, Zambia.
Fr Martin was ordained a priest on 28th May 2016 at Our Lady of Africa Cathedral in Kitui, Kenya. He served as parochial vicar at St Augustine Mtengowamthenga Parish from 2016 to 2018 and at St Kizito Parish Chigoneka from 2018 to 2022. He was appointed parish priest of Chigoneka in 2022, a position he served until his death. Fr Martin was buried at St Patrick’s Society Cemetery, Nakuru, Kenya on 21st December 2023.

Marto, as Fr Martin was fondly called by his nieces and nephews, was a friendly, jovial and ever-smiling person. He was dedicated to his vocation and missionary work. Nicknamed “Agogo” – a name that signifies a jack of all trades, Fr Martin also served as Master of Ceremonies for Maula Deanery, Vocations Director for SPSS in Malawi and Zambia and as Burser for SPSS Malawi.
Fr Martin’s last major assignment was overseeing the successful establishment of the new Maria Mthandizi wa Akhristu Parish in Mtandire. A grouping of six churches in Mtandire, Mtsiliza and Airwing, the parish was an outstation of Chigoneka.

One of Fr Martin’s favourite sayings was “A candle does not lose its light when other candles are lit from it”. He lit many candles in Chigoneka, Mtandire, Mtengowamthenga and beyond. He will be sorely missed. Rest well, Fr Marto!
*This story is adapted from an article in the December 2023 edition of Mpingo Ndife Tonse Magazine

Fr Martin’s life in pictures

Fr Martin regularily featured on Tilankhule Ambuye programmes

May His soul rest in eternal peace it is really a very sad reality one has to come to terms with.
In a flash of a moment He is gone just like that.
Your death is like a wound tht will never heal……i always see it as a dream but Gods will had to be done.we got an angel in heaven.continue praying fr us brother martoh…..Koma nesa muvea